More Darwin
Friday, February 20, 2009, 9:52 am •
Update: 2pm CST: I've rewritten most of the post to reflect the current status.
So, I made some Darwin artwork that parodies the famous Shepard Fairey Obama poster. People started to find out, perhaps mostly due to a post on Pharyngula. I had planned on selling the artwork on t-shirts and posters, and after a hasty setup, I now do indeed have a Zazzle storefront where you can purchase these fine Darwin wares. Things to know about the merchandise:
- All profits will be donated to NCSE. As I'm writing this, already over
$130$250$550$700$1300$4000$8000 has been raised. - You can change the style and color of the shirts before ordering.
- I haven't sampled the products from Zazzle before. I hope the quality is good -- I have only heard good things about Zazzle unlike CafePress. If you order something, let me know how it turns out.
- No, I did not use one of those online Obama-poster-generators. This was drawn by hand as a vector graphic so it will look good at any resolution.
Anyway, here are the designs:

PS: Yes, that long quote is not a Darwin quote but a Darrow quote. Oh well, I think it is a great quote.
Note: The commenters below are asking about the storefront, not because they are illiterate, but because the comments were left before the storefront was open, and I have updated the post since then.
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Please let me know when your store is set up. VERY cool!
Yes, let us know! I think we need one for our lab.
Fantastic - we need one for our lab too! And one for the house :)
These are great! Really love the slogan on the first one.
I’d love a couple of the ‘Change over time’ t-shirts if that’s the version you decide to go with. Unfortunately I’m in the UK, but if the postage isn’t too prohibitive…
What about “CHANGE that is well supported"?
Of the existing ones, I like the first one.
I love these, and want one. If you want someone in the US to sell/exchange/ship/whatever yell.
Fantastic–let me know when shirts are available.
I’d buy the first one. Probably not the others.
i want the “Change Over Time” one !! please keep me updated as to when this would be available :) great work!
I vote for “Evolve"!
Great posters! It is good that you mentioned about the last quote! It definitely IS a great quote and fits to a Darwin poster. cheers
I would like to be notified when these are available…
Awesome. Definitely like #1 best…
I would like to be notified, as well. Are there any plans for stickers, as well? I think one would look fantastic on the back of my laptop.
I’d buy a shirt of #1 if it was available internationally, and preferably sweatshop-free too.
#1 :) Very cool
I’ll buy one. :D
Keep me updated please!
So funny. So true. So needed. Thank you for doing this and good luck with the defense. I just defended a year ago so it is still fresh in my mind. Oh, and I would love to get a couple of these when they are ready.
I think a simple “Change” is effective enough and links with orig. Fairey poster. Thought the evolve is really good, too. The wordier ones, I’m not so keen on. Overall, good job.
I would buy one now - they’d make great alt profile pics for Facebook, etc. May we?
The “evolve” one is great. Do Want.
A “must have” for my Biology classroom!
I think “Evolve” is the weakest, since smacks of the misunderstanding of evolution as an intentional directed process.
The others are all great.
Just wondering, why all the Darwin graphics always use the picture of Old Man Darwin, and not the more dashing photos/portraits from earlier in his life?
I would love to be notified when the store is up!
please let me know when the shop is up!
I want one!
I must have the first poster! It is great,great,great.
Must have one! Put me on the list
Nice juicy .pdf or .eps downloadable files would be nice too!
Does this come in bumper sticker form?
I love the images. Please let me know when your store is up and going.
these are awesome! i would definitely buy one of the first two!
@Pete: I’m guessing he’s using the Old Man Darwin pictures because they’re the most well-known & recognizable images of him.
I’d definitely buy one of these shirts! Hurry up with the store! :)
Let me know when these are available–I love the “Very Gradual Change We Can Believe In” version.
how about this one:
for wings
Change over time is brilliant
Think you could make some stickers? Maybe even a sticker set!
Also, I like the quote on the first one, but I’m a little wary of the word “believe” in there. Makes in almost sound like you would have to take evolution on faith.
“CHANGE is never spare”
awesome original content, fucking creative
i love the first one.
My buddy is a graphic artist and made a similar one for Darwin Day, linky:
His name is Clare, he can be found here:
Ordered. Thanks!
Fabulous. I like the “gradual change we can believe in” - very witty
Any plans for placing these on ballcaps? I’d buy a ballcap.
I would love if I could get some of these as stickers!
Fantastic concept. I would urge you not to use a quote by someone other than Darwin unless it’s properly attributed (same font size, color, etc. right after the quote).
Hi, I saw your site posted on the Darwin facebook group page:
The posters are great! Another idea is to quote one of the most beautiful lines from Origin of Species:
“There is a grandeur in this view of life…”
with the big EVOLVE at bottom.
A nice tribute to Darwin’s great book in its sesquicentennial year. And a very positive, uplifting message.
Keep up the good work!
This poster idea, like evolution itself, is independent of the creator. I also made a poster like this for our school’s biology club. My byline was: Evolution: Change we can believe in. It is a perfect combination of iconography and catch phrases.
Your art work is better than mine though.
hey neat! these look all of those obama posters! KEWWWWWWLLLLLLLL
Great posters I want to buy three of them….
I’d love to get in on stickers & other apparel, thanks!
thank you, mike! i ordered a poster. :)
I would love to see the images on the back of the t-shirt too. Reasoning: I run/walk on the greenway a lot and like when the message can be seen from behind as well as in front.
Awesome. But I have a question – if you order, say, a green t-shirt, the Zazzle preview makes the whitish parts of Darwin’s face/hair look green. Is that accurate? I’m leaning toward a natural color shirt anyway, so it probably wouldn’t matter much for me, but are the white parts really transparent (i.e., do they only look white on a white t-shirt) or are they sort of a cream color as shown in the images above?
Frank, they are supposed to be a cream color as in the pictures here. I think this is a limitation of how Zazzle prints on the “light color” selection of shirts. It is a different printing technique, and it appears that the underlying color of the shirt tints the printed color in a way that cannot be compensated for. You should notice that if you pick one of the “dark color” selection of shirts, everything (should) look fine. I’ll look into this a little more.
CHANGE OVER TIME. Love it! Too bad it’s not a woodblock print though. If you ever make one, I’ll buy.
Would you mind if I were to use one of your Darwin pics in a skeptical newsletter I edit? It is called Phactum, the newsletter of the Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking. We often deal with evolution and have had NCSE speakers at our meetings and for the March meeting Laurie Lebo will be our speaker. Our website is and there are over two years worth of newsletters available on line. I would be happy to add you to my email list.
I want a tee shirt when they are available.
I’d love to see the shirts in black or at least bright colors like red. I don’t like light-colored t-shirts. Love the graphics, though.
Please let me know when these are for sale! Fabulous!
#62: You can customize the shirt style & color after clicking on the particular design. I think it looks nice on dark brown.
Brilliant! I’d love to support the teaching of evolution.
re: “it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable to change"…
If this is indeed the case, then I’m afraid “the Ummah” is destined to win out over Western Civilization. They’ve slowly adapted to using our laws and technology against us. They will continue to do so and eventually score much larger victories. Meanwhile it is not in our collective nature as a so-called-evolved society to effectively confront the danger before it destroys us. Therefore, according to Darwin, we will lose.
Came here via LGF. Nice posters. Nice Fairey knockoffs.
Item ordered! Found your blog through Prof. PZ Myers blog Pharyngula - nice work. I am totally looking forward to receiving the shirt.
I love this!
Mike, I have a zazzle shop and I believe there are instructions in the FAQ on designing for dark shirts. So if you set it up the right way and choose the correction options the same image will work for both light and dark. When you post a product there is an option for whether your whites will be transparent or not.
I love #1 the most! :) I would love this as a sticker, too, on my laptop or something.
Vote for Change over time!
From a devout Catholic: these are *wonderful*. Thank you, and bless you!
I tried multiple times to purchase this item, but every time I clicked on “place order"I got sent back to the credit card info page (even if I tried to use PayPal). If I end up with 10 t-shirts I will be VERY upset.
I’m using FireFox on an iMac.
Ummmm, OK
good job:)
The posters are too big for me, but a nice little 2x3 fridge magnet would be lots of fun. :)
in a few months, after the buzz dies down, it’d be cool if you released this as desktop wallpaper, too :)
Please.. I want to buy one NOW
I want one, but I am a girl, and the boy t-shirts just don’t fit so well, what with the girl parts.
Can you set up zazzle to sell a women’s t?
This goes well with our bumper sticker…
Duh’o, I’m an idiot and I figured it out. Retracting first comment, purchasing t-shirt.
Holy cow Mike! You are famous…I am glad you told those stupid heads that you didn’t just enter it into a poster creator….they made me angry :)
Christ-like selflessness is the only thing that allows significant change away from the natural short and brutish state of humanity possible.
We must not elevate Darwin or Newton, but rather their ultimate mentor in the art of selfless inquiry totally removed from “selfish genes” clap-trap. If anything, we simply don’t have enough of our selfish genes activated and thereby fail to love the others in our community adequately to get beyond the stagnation of the status quo thru our own self-centered means.
fabulous displays, really. One question. I have, in my basement several tins, that is tin display signs, many of them are AB breweriana signs, though some of them are random other things such as the National Sarcasm Society (Like We Need Your Support). Any chance you might put one/some of those images on like a 12x16 tin? I don’t know if anyone else would be interested in this sort of thing but it certainly would go great in my basement. Will probably go pretty good in the basement as a poster as well, just would fit in better with everything else.
Just curious.
Is it too much to ask to get the poster-proportioned designs in a smaller bumper sticker or car magnet size? These are great. Keep it up.
Great posters! I’d be happy to donate this design that I created with PASTE’s Obamicon site for CD’s bday.
Or, if you’re interested, Mike, maybe you could clean up the design to make it more shirt, cup, etc.-friendly?
I like the images and they are very clever.
Is it OK with Shepard Fairey that you are selling your Darwin images?
Anyone who has not read the article on wikipedia about Shepard Fairey and his OBAMA image might be interested -
Instead of “believe in,” why not something more like “Change Supported by Overwhelming Amounts of Evidence,” or something along those lines? After all, it’s not mere faith; it’s science.
I’ll definitely buy some of these, seeing how the profits go to the NCSE!
superb!! LOL!
About Zazzle quality… I’ve never had a problem with it, and everyone I know who has ordered products from me has been very happy with them when I asked about it. Zazzle has it’s difficulties at times, but that just about always seems to be on the designer’s end and has never been bad enough to drive me away. Product quality doesn’t seem to suffer.
Very, very clever. I will buy one as soon as I have money. GOT IT BOOKMARKED!
An interesting Shepherd Fairey side note:
Dear Mike, I am really delighted by your work and would love to have a shirt with any of the Darwin designs. Unfortunately, Zazzle is not sending products to Argentina. Is there any chance I could buy your design and send it to be printed here? Thank you very much and please keep up with your good work!
I would like to sell these t shirts and stickers as a fundraiser for the Biological Honor Society at my school. Is there anyway I could negotiate a bulk purchase of some of these items for resale (proceeds would go to a science based charity anyway), that way two charities are supported from one batch of shirts?
I ordered the sheet of 6 stickers from Zazzle. They were shipped really quick, but when I got them, they were the wrong design. However, Zazzle responded to my request for a replacement with lightning speed and is shipping the right set out. Zazzle was a good choice, I’d say.
Thanks for the design. Gonna look great on everything I own. haha.
Fantastic work!
How about a high resolution desktop image? I’ve love to put one on my 17″ MacBook Pro.